Did you know that there is a Mental Health awareness Month? Well, I didn’t know until today. It’s not that anything has changed all of a sudden by acknowledging the actuality, I was just astonished by the fact that an entire month is observed as Mental Health Awareness Month. Any Guesses on the month? Yes, May it is.
May month is observed as Mental Health Awareness Month, which began in United States and was started by Mental Health America Organization. Whereas, World Mental Health Day, which is celebrated on 10th of October every year, is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. (Source: Wikipedia)
Why Mental Health Matters and how feasible it is to relate to it? Transparently speaking depression and anxiety is something that everyone deals with at some point in life. No one can ever be prepared for the circumstances or situations in life. It is easy for negative thoughts to come crashing down ten times harder than it did the last time, we sometimes struggle to understand what we are feeling and often fail to express what it actually is that we are going through. Many of us, when we encounter health challenges in life, we get a diagnostic and are given a range of solutions to work through but for many people its not that simple. Sometimes a struggle with depression becomes too much.

You will find plenty of tips and techniques to deal with anxiety, stress, depression etc. out there, however it is of utmost importance to find and understand your own magic and go with it.
Sharing the top 5 things that I do for my mental health:
1)Try to maintain the daily routine. 2)Choose empowering thoughts 3)Talk with friends 4)Have “Me” time 5)Just Breathe. Eventually, Its an everyday thought process that we all have to make positive room for in our lives.
I believe Mental Health to be important as it shows what it means to heal and to help others heal in order to create a better space for all of us (not just you, not just me, but all of us) because there are so many individuals out there in the world that struggle with and suffer from this not just once a while but at regular intervals. So, sometimes when we see someone is in need, we could ask ourselves a question, is there anything we could do? and can commit to do whatever we can so that other people can get their lives back.
One should remember there are so many opportunities and a life ahead to live, celebrate and be grateful for. Also, the longest relationship you will ever have in your life will be with you, so you gotta protect that. You are enough.